Tuesday, December 24, 2019

How to Handle Violence in Youth Sports - 1498 Words

Everyone agrees that parent involvement is a good thing. But when the parent behaves inappropriately, it creates a poor environment for the children to learn and enjoy themselves. Sideline rage with parents behaving badly at youth sports events is such an epidemic, that 76% of respondents from 60 high school athletic associations said increased spectator interference is causing many officials to quit (Associated Press, 6/3/01). Parents are supposed to be role models, and the lessons they teach will determine their values and actions in the future. These days violence in childrens sports is not limited to the playing field; overbearing parents are creating dangerous situations on the field. Involving your child in sports is important†¦show more content†¦At age ten, many kids have private coaching and attend specialized clinics in the off season. The coach is usually someone with a background in sports, either a retired professional player or coach. Practices are now scheduled for twice a week and attending a weekly clinic is strongly recommended, with a strength conditioning workout schedule between practices. All of these changes mean more involvement time for the parents. Parents are now spending up ten hours a week watching their children compete with other children, and this pressure can sometimes be too much for the parent. In 2002, Thomas Junta was convicted of involuntary manslaughter after he attacked Michael Costin, who later died of his injuries. Mr. Costin was refereeing a pickup game of hockey. The fight was witnessed by a dozen children including the children of both Mr. Junta and Mr. Costin (Butterfield, 2002). While this is by far one of the worst incidents in sports rage, there are other types of behavior that can still harm our youth. Physical violence is often a rare occurrence; verbal abuse and intimidation have been seen frequently. When a parents scream at their child after practice that he/she did not run fast enough or hit hard enough, can be considered a form of verbal abuse. Also consider when a parent of one child screams at the team for not performing well and not winning the game, this combined with swearing can reduce a child to tears. Daniel Wann, PhD states that if aShow MoreRelatedYouth Sports Should Not Be A Challenge For Children1361 Words   |  6 PagesGrowing up as a you ng adult is hard enough as it is, playing sports should not be a challenge for them, but a fun environment filled with growth and learning. Unfortunately the youth today have to deal with more than just competing at sports. Youth sports should be focusing on challenging their strengths and building character, but this is not the case. The challenges that the youth in sports today are going through deals with three different categories. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Cellphones Should Be Banned Free Essays

Cellphones should be banned Nowadays you see cellphones everywhere: at the store, at a restaurant, and even at the theater. People seem not able to put them down or turn them off. Cellphones have negative effects on health, society, and safety. We will write a custom essay sample on Cellphones Should Be Banned or any similar topic only for you Order Now I have arranged my discussion in this order, ascending of importance, in order to give the reader some insight in the world of cellphones, and why cellphones should be banned. Cellphones can cause severe stress in all generations. Children and young adults are always on; they eat, sleep and shower with their cellphones. Gaby Badre, MD, PhD, of Sahlgren’s Academy in Gothenburg, Sweden found out that â€Å"Teenagers who excessively use their cell phone are more prone to disrupted sleep, restlessness, stress and fatigue† (American Academy of Sleep Medicine). While teenagers are stressed when they are not on their phone, always being on can stress people in the workforce. â€Å"Increasing use of cell phones and pagers may be blurring the boundaries between work and home and raising stress levels at both places† (Warner). Even though there is just anecdotal evidence of cellphone related cancer and brain damage in adults, evidence was found that cellphones can damage a child’s brain. Children using mobile phones absorb as much as double the amount of radiation through their heads as adults. The leading scientist Dr. Om Ghandi, from the University of Utah, found that a child’s brain can absorb radiation across its entire surface. Cellphone radiation mainly effects the neurological system of a child, â€Å"causing headaches, lack of concentration, memory loss and sleeping disorders. It can also cause epilepsy in children† (international parenting association). Further can radiation of cellphones harm body cells and DNA. In Europe 12 research groups, worked on the project called Reflex. Over four years the researchers, coordinated by the german research group Verum, â€Å"studied the effect of radiation on human and animal cells in the laboratory† (international parenting association). They found that single and double-strand DNA breaks, after being exposed to electro magnetic fields. Professor Leif Salford, who headed the research at Sweden’s prestigious Lund University, says ‘the voluntary exposure of the brain to microwaves from hand-held mobile phones’ is ‘the largest human biological experiment ever’† (international parenting association). Like cellphones have an effect on health, they have an impact on society. Cellphones affect social interactions, communication, and etiquette. When you are watching a gro up of young people going out, or waiting for the bus together, each person of the group is either texting or calling a friend that is not with the group right now, instead of talking to each other. They avoid uncomfortable situations and confrontations by either not answering a call or sending a text message. â€Å"Text messaging is dangerous, not only does it ruin social interaction between humans, writing skills and expression. Everything becomes so impersonal and simple† (Marquez). There is no awkward silence or nonverbal response connected to text messaging. You can basically say anything you want in text messages without revealing your feelings or opinions. Text messaging is impersonal and young adults seems to lose the ability to have a face to face conversation. Moreover do cellphone have a great impact on Socioeconomic Diversity. Cellphones and cellphone contracts are expensive. Not every parent or student can afford a cellphone with unlimited text, call, and data. This may set young adults apart from their peer and make them subject of bullying. â€Å"People can be inconsiderate when using the phone in public† (ehow) – phone etiquette is poor or does not exist at all. Answering phone calls during a movie or theater show, to holding up the line at the store, or bumping into people on the street, because of focusing on the cell phone instead of their surroundings, are all examples of poor cell phone etiquette. But the biggest problem with cellphones is safety. The National Safety Council states that 28% of all car accidents are caused by cellphone use behind the wheel. The study â€Å"A comparison of Cellphone Driver and the Drunk Driver†, by Daniel L. Strayer and et al. , at the University of Utah in 2006, states that talking on the phone while driving equals a blood alcohol of 0. 08%. While teenagers are texting, they spend about 10 percent of the time outside the driving lane they’re supposed to be in (Edgar Snyder). But there are other crucial safety issues connected with cellphones beside cellphone use while driving. Sexting, the submission of sexual messages or pictures, is becoming more and more popular among teen agers, and young adults. â€Å"In January 2009, three high school girls from Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania were charged with manufacturing and disseminating or possessing child pornography after they allegedly sent nude or seminude cell phone pictures of themselves to three male classmates. The boys, ages sixteen and seventeen,were charged with possession of child ornography for having the images on their phones. The girls involved were even younger, just fourteen and fifteen years of age (Calvert). News like that are disturbing, but far from uncommon. Young adults and teenagers reported that sexting is regarded as normal, and prerequisite for dating and hooking up. But sexted images and messages are not safe. With todays cellphone technology it is easy to send those pictures v iral, online, without the initial sender knowing. The sender can be publicly exposed without their knowing. Furthermore can others take your picture without your consent. When convicted for distributing or owning child pornography, a teenager or young adult can face the chance to be labeled as sex offenders, â€Å"a stigma that could haunt them throughout their lives, all for what one might consider a youthful, sophomoric indiscretion† (Calvert). Cellphones appear to be very convenient, yet they come with severe side effects. After considering the health, society, and safety issues that cellphones bring with them a ban of cellphones is justified. Unfortunately a ban is not in sight for right now so we need to make sure that children, teenagers and young adults learn how to use their cellphones right, without depending on them too much. Work Cited Calvert, Clay. â€Å"SEX, CELL PHONES, PRIVACY, AND THE FIRST AMENDMENT: WHEN CHILDREN BECOME CHILD PORNOGRAPHERS AND THE LOLITA EFFECT UNDERMINES THE LAW. † Firstamandmend. com. Web. 2 Mar. 2012. http://firstamendment. jou. ufl. edu/pubs/SexCellPhonesPrivacyArticle. pdf. â€Å"Developing the Child Brain. † ‘Early Learning’ Parenting Resource. Early Learning’ Parents Resource. Web. 01 May 2012. ;http://www. internationalparentingassociation. org/BrainDevelopment/cellphones. html;. Titus, Christa. â€Å"Negative Impact of Mobile Phones on Society. † EHow. Demand Media, 26 July 2009. Web. 02 May 2012. ;http://www. ehow. com/facts_5217378_negative-impact-mobile-phones-society. html;. â€Å"Cell Phone Texting Accident Statistics. † Edgarsnyder. com. Web. 03 May 2012. ;http://www. edgarsnyder. com/car-accident/cell-phone/statistics. html;. Marquez, Cesar. â€Å"Negative Aspects of Text Messaging. â€Å" How to cite Cellphones Should Be Banned, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Teddy Roosevelt Essay Example For Students

Teddy Roosevelt Essay Theodore Roosevelt, born October 27, 1858, was the United States twenty sixth President. Roosevelt was born into a wealthy and socially dominant family. Though he was a quick thinker and very bright, he was not very physically fit; Roosevelt had severe asthma attacks as a youth. (Andrews) Roosevelt attended Harvard College starting with a science major, but his eventual majors were law and politics. After graduating Harvard in 1880, Roosevelt married his first wife, had his first child, and lost his wife two weeks after the birth of their daughter on Valentines day 1884. He had also begun his career in politics, joining the Republican Party when they were treated like a private organization, having few credentials that were needed to become a member. (Roosevelt)Roosevelt did many beneficial things for his country, both as the President and as a soldier. One of the key features in his life was his involvement with the Rough Riders during the Spanish-American War, from April of 1898 to September of 1898. Prior to his involvement in the Spanish-American War, Roosevelt was the Secretary of the Navy. He resigned from that position to begin organizing the First Volunteer Calvary Regiment. 23,000 men from all parts of the United States of America; cowboys, Indians, NY policeman, Athletes from ivy league colleges and more, were eager to volunteer for the regiment. (Andrew) All of these patriots felt it was there duty to defend their country after the USS Maine had been bombed in Havana, with the blame on Spain. (Harbaugh) The majority of the men in the regiment, which was originally composed of 1000 men (Hill), were from the southwestern ranch country. These men were skilled wild horsemen, thus the regiment was given the name Rough Riders. (Roosevelt)Roosevelt was offered the position of commander of the regiment but had to decline because he did not have the time to train the soldiers. He suggested that he work under Colonel Leonard Wood as a lieutenant colonel. (Hill) Wood had received t he Medal of Honor for his military action in the capture of Apache chief Geronimo. (Harbaugh)The first battle to ever take place during the Spanish-American War was the battle of Las Guasimas, which was a small village in Cuba. Sixteen Rough Riders died in the battle, June 24th, 1889. (Harbaugh) Because the Rough Riders were strictly volunteer, their rations and supplies were not always delivered on time. Roosevelt had stated, If I wanted anything to eat it was wise to carry it with me. He also suggested, I would earnestly advise the men of every volunteer organization always to proceed upon the belief that their supplies will not turn up. (Roosevelt)In June of 1898 at the battle of San Juan Hill, Roosevelt was given notification that there might be orders to fall back. After seeing his men fight, he told General Joseph Wheeler that he did not know if he could follow those orders. Roosevelt and his men were often told that the battles would take place at night and it so happened tha t one Saturday morning there were shots fired and by morning there was artillery being fired at the regiment. (Roosevelt)After the battle at San Juan Hill, the men were exhausted and hungry. They had managed to gain control of some of the Spanishs supplies and provisions. (Jeffers)Despite the Rough Riders accomplishments during the Spanish American War, Washington was given the option to withdraw their troops from Cuba, but the proposal was vetoed. Allowing the men to fulfill their patriotic duty, but also caused a huge increase in sickness and fatigue. (Roosevelt) Even though Roosevelt and his men were always eager to fight, three fourths of the men had either died, became sick with malaria or came down with a bad case of diarrhea, also called dysentery. Roosevelt was invited to a Generals Council, where the generals met to discuss their strategies and their mens conditions. Roosevelt suggested that his men be taken home or to some part of the northern United States. However the Wa r Department did not understand the predicament that they were in. General Wheeler had invited him to the Council because Roosevelt was a volunteer and would no sooner return to civilization. Thus

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Strategic Human Resource Management free essay sample

In chapter one they describe the models of human resource management. There are five major HRM models. First, is The Fombrun, Tichy and Devanna model, which use four key components to increase organizational performance. The components are selection, appraisal, development, and rewards. The next model is The Harvard model, which is offered by Beer et al. It has six basic components which are: situational factors, stakeholder interests, HRM policy choices, HR outcomes, Long-term consequences, and a feedback loop where the outputs go to the organization and the stakeholders. The third model is The Guest model. David Guest demonstrates in his model that HRM differs from personal management. The key components in his model are: an HR strategy, a set of HR policies, a set of HR outcomes, behavioral outcomes, a number of performance outcomes, and financial outcomes. The next model is the Warwick model is similar to the Harvard model but it goes more in depth by focusing on its key characteristics. We will write a custom essay sample on Strategic Human Resource Management or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The main elements of this model are: outer context, inner context, business strategy content, HRM context and HRM content. The last model is the Storey model. It has four main elements, which are: beliefs and assumptions, strategic aspects, the role of line managers, and key levers. In this model, Storey believes that there are differences between â€Å"personnel and industrials† and the HRM model by making an â€Å"ideal type†. Strategic Management is a process used by corporations to help them determine the long term productivity with managerial decisions and actions. Both these models and Strategic Management are made to help improve the productivity of businesses. The model that best represents a strategic approach is the integrative model of human resource strategy. It is the most strategic because it takes the strengths of the control-based model and the strengths of the resource-based model and combines them. The control-based model is used to supervise and control employee role performance. This means that managers have to come up with a system to ensure their workers are working to the best of their capabilities and are satisfied at the same time. It is more focused on managerial control. The resource-based model is more focused on the reward-effort aspect. They see their employees as an asset instead of thinking of them as a variable cost. The integrative model uses both of these ideologies and uses them in one model. This model has two main dimensions. It uses acquisition and development and locus of control. Acquisition and development means the company can either develop their employees or go our and acquire them from other companies. Locus of control focuses on monitoring employees. The main reason the integrative model is more strategic is because of its four ideal types of dominant HR strategy. They are: commitment, collaborative, paternalistic, and traditional. These four ideals break down the main points of the first two models. Commitment is focused on the outcome control and developing employees internally. Traditional is used for more process based controls and external recruiting of ability. Collaborative is basically outsourcing work. It is based on subcontracting work to people outside the company and evaluates the outcome. Paternalistic takes care of their employees. It offers opportunities for their employees to learn and be promoted by complying to the process-based control. c) There are three HRM approaches to organizations operating internationally. They are: adaptive, exportive, and integrative. The First, an adaptive IHRM orientation is where each affiliate of the parent has its own HRM system. This is to help the firms be more aware of the local culture. This orientation is more focused on differentiation rather than integration because it needs to know the local environment and each environment is different. A lot of the top manangers of corporations will hire local HR practitioners who know the surroundings well and are knowledgeable. The second, an exportive IHRM orientation is where the parent’s system is replicated to its different affiliates in overseas countries and emphasizes that the partners integrate and don’t differentiate. The negative side of exportive is that the IHRM approach can be viewed as inflexible. The inflexibility may lead firms away from the imposed practice HQ would want. The third approach is integrative. This is where the orientation combines both exportive and adaptive. Which means it uses the characteristics of the parent companys HRM system along with those of its international affiliates. By using the integrative approach it tries to use the best HRM approaches and exercise them throughout the whole organization (local and global). HRM policies and practices can transfer throughout the organization. It can go in any direction, from affiliate to affiliate, or from affiliate to the parent firm or from the parent firm to an affiliate. d) When running a business internationally there are a few limitations companies must be aware of to be fair and ethical. Companies should know what the cultures and beliefs are of the countries when taking their business internationally so that they do not offend people, which could hurt their expansion into these countries. It is important for companies to fulfill the customer’s likes and preferences in various locations. This means a company might have to produce a product or service that meets the needs and wants of the local people and is sensitive to their culture. Companies should be aware of differences in each country’s infrastructure. For example in certain countries they drive on the other side of the road and the driver is on the other side of the car. Car companies would have to be aware of this when they are designing products or services for these countries. A MNC should watch over â€Å"employment relations, consumer products, ecological controls and local testing†. They should be regulating all of the above as well as the exogenous factors so that they don’t harm the hoist countries employees, impede on their beliefs, produce products that won’t benefit the locals, and don’t destroy the local environment. Some companies have operated internationally because it is cheaper to hire workers and because the operating regulations aren’t as strict. In the past this has caused big controversies and disasters such as the one in Bhopal, India. Some countries have different beliefs about women working than others so companies would have to be careful when hiring women in certain positions so that they don’t offend the foreign country’s values. Companies should be careful when hiring women bosses. Especially exporting women bosses because not only is this taking jobs away from local people but it could cause an uproar in the community. This could be viewed as discrimination but unfortunately it is the way it goes in some countries. 2. The organization I am very familiar with is McDonald’s. McDonald’s is one of the biggest fast food chains in the world so it is important to have a good Human Resource Management system in place. Human Resources role in McDonald’s is to promote a high performance culture that is backed up by talented people and organizational resources necessary for maintaining greater business performance. They plan to achieve this by making processes, providing tools and passing on knowledge to leaders needed for developing and continuously improving its company’s culture. The HR practices that McDonald’s implements into its business are as follows. They deal with recruiting and hiring of employees, performance management, wages and salaries, organizational development, development and training of employees, safety, communication, employee motivation and benefits. Most of these practices are used in a strategic approach to Human Resource Management. They appear to have different branches of HR working on different things to zone in on certain aspects of the company to maximize their company’s output. For instance they have branches of HR working specifically on development and training of employees and within that branch there is a team working on a program called McMasters which entails the training and recruiting of workers that are older than 55 years of age. They also have another program that helps train physically handicapped people to work at McDonald’s. These two areas are specialized for certain people where as the rest of the McDonald’s workforce would normally train on the job and learn through something called â€Å"Welcome Meeting† which is mandatory and during this they would learn their job role, food, hygiene, safety training, policies and procedures, administration, benefits, and training and development. If you wanted to become a manager one would go to HU (Hamburger University) for their training and education. This is one example on how they are using a strategic approach because they are grooming and training their employees for possibly a long career rather than a short one. They are putting effort into educating their employees so that they help better McDonald’s future. Another way they are using a strategic approach is they are educating and training their managers at each branch to handle certain HR problems that would normally go to the HR department but instead can be handled on site. Another important task of HR is to make sure that they are fair and hire based on ability and not on race, religion, or sex. McDonald’s has made it a point to have a diverse workforce for which they are known for being one of the best companies for hiring minorities. They have their own branch dedicated to recruiting and hiring employees. Some examples of how they accomplish this is through job fairs at a university or in a community, advertising in a McDonald’s restaurant, or through their website. When dealing with the performance of their employees they use rewards and awards to show their accomplishments. An example of this would be their employee of the week or employee of the month plaques, which are shown on a wall in the office. Since they are such a big company they need a separate sector of HR dedicated to wages and salaries of the employees. The wages and salaries are based on experience and level of employee. Some ways McDonald’s are motivating their employees are through performance rewards and benefits such as health and insurance, compensation, rewards (money or promotion), and a recognition program. McDonald’s has applied a K/3 HR system into their company, which allows managers observe and keep updated their employee’s information of past and present. This system allows the manager to record personnel management, payroll management, and performance management. For example if an old McDonald’s employee decided to return to McDonald’s to work the manager could use the K/3 system to look up their old information and get a better understanding of where this person should be placed within the organization, what kind of salary they should earn, and what kind of benefits they should receive. These are the reasons why I think McDonald’s has done an excellent job at implementing a Strategic approach to Human Resource Management. They have taken the old HR and branched off making areas more specific and therefore more informative and beneficial. They have focused more on the long-term goals of the company rather than short-term goals. They have given more power and information to managers at franchises to be able to deal with HR problems when they arise. They have job division in their company but they try to have each employee experience each job so that they broaden their abilities, which is a form of SHRM.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Simple Harmonic Motion Lab Report Essays

Simple Harmonic Motion Lab Report Essays Simple Harmonic Motion Lab Report Paper Simple Harmonic Motion Lab Report Paper Essay Topic: Simple Motion Lab Report Introduction Simple harmonic motion is the motion of a mass on a spring when it is subject to the linear elastic restoring force given by Hookers Law. In this lab, we will observe simple harmonic motion by studying masses on springs. In the first part of this lab, you will determine the period, T, of the spring by observing one sliding mass that is attached to two springs with the spring constant k, and attached to a hanging mass by a string and a pulley. The next part, you will determine the period, T, of oscillation caused by two springs attached to either side of a sliding ass. By knowing the velocity in the second part, you can find kinetic energy and potential energy of the oscillating mass. Also, you must find the uncertainty in the period, kinetic energy, and potential energy. Procedure In this experiment, you will determine the experimental and theoretical period of a spring, the kinetic energy and potential energy by measuring the spring constant and velocity of a spring. In this first part of this lab, you will have a sliding mass on a frictionless air track attached to two springs on one side, and attached to a hanging mass by a string and pulley on the other. First you must calculate the mass of the sliding mass and the equilibrium displacement of the spring. The rest of the first part requires you to add 20 grams to the hanging mass and then measuring how far the sliding mass has moved for the equilibrium position. That number will be your delta x. Do that method five times and then solve for the spring constant through the formula: (Delta m) g = k (Delta x). The values of k that you solve for will be plugged into the formula: T = 2 (pi) (radical m/k). The period that you solved for will be your theoretical period. In part two of this lab, you will attach a spring on either side of a sliding mass on a frictionless air track and have a photo gate measure the period as the mass oscillates. Repeat that procedure for three more times and at each trial, add 20 more grams to the mass. The period that you get is your experimental period. The next step is to record the velocity of the oscillating mass to solve for the kinetic energy and potential energy. After finding the theoretical and experimental periods, you must make a graph comparing the two with error bars on the theoretical period. To find the uncertainty in the theoretical period, use the formula: Conclusion Through experiment, we have been able to calculate a value for two different kinds of periods of an oscillating mass, the kinetic energy, and the potential energy. A photo gate, which is connected to a frictionless air track that supports the sliding mass, records the period and velocity of the oscillating mass.

Friday, November 22, 2019

ACT Subscores vs. SAT Subscores How to Compare

ACT Subscores vs. SAT Subscores How to Compare SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Both the ACT and SAT subscores provide students with detailed information about their weaknesses and strengths in categories more specific than English, Reading, Math, Science, and Writing (ACT) or Reading, Writing, Math, and Essay-writing (SAT). Understanding the implications of that detailed information, however, can be difficult, due to the sheer number of scores. In this article, we'll discuss how subscores can be useful to students and whether or not subscores on one test can indicate how a student would do on the other. feature image credit: 029.365 Elements of Perspective/used under CC BY-SA 2.0/cropped from original. What Are SAT/ACT Subscores? In addition to total scores out of 36 and 1600 and section scores out of 36 and 800 (or out of 40 for individual "test scores" on SAT Reading, Writing, and Math), the ACT and SAT both provide students with subscores. The stated goals of these subscores are to â€Å"provide more detail about student achievement† (SAT) and give students a "better understanding [of] strengths and areas for improvement in each subject"(ACT). The subscores calculated on each test fall under one of two different categories: Section-level subscores: These â€Å"reporting categories† subscores give information about the different types of question within a specific section (e.g. types of Math questions). Cross-test scores: These subscores give information about how student is doing ona specific topic, computed by combining information from multiple sections (e.g. Math and Science on the ACT to get the STEM subscore). SAT vs. ACT Subscores: Can You Compare Them? And Why Would You? The short answer: yes, some subscores can be compared. The closest relationships are between the SAT and ACT essay subscores, followed by the SAT Writing and ACT English subscores. In practical terms, this means, for example, that students who score highly on all the ACT essay subscores can expect to do fairly well on the SAT essay subscores, while students who don't do well on ACT English subscores can anticipate similarly poor results on SAT Writing subscores. By contrast, it's unlikely that students would see any relationship between their subscores on SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing and ACT Reading, because the subscores measure such different things. If you get high ACT Reading subscores, that's great, but it doesn't tell you anything about how you'd do on Evidence-Based Reading and Writing subscores. This is even more true for ACT Science, since the only science-related subscore on the SAT measures something completely different from what the ACT Science subscores are trying to capture. Subscores for SAT/ACT Math fall into the middle between the highly comparable SAT/ACT essay and Writing/English subscores and the divergent SAT/ACT Reading subscores. There is some overlap between what the Math subscores measure across the two tests, but the correspondence is a little fuzzier. A high subscore on ACT's Algebra subscore could mean you'd get a high score on SAT's Heart of Algebra subscore, but you could just as easily get a medium score because there's a considerable difference in what the Algebra questions on each test are meant to measure. But why would you want to compare subscores across the SAT and ACT? The biggest reason is that doing so can give you more information about whether or not it's worth taking both the SAT and the ACT. For instance, if you take the ACT and score poorly on certain subscores in ACT English, you can expect to not do any better on the SAT Writing versions of those subscores (and thus on SAT Writing). Conversely, even if you did poorly on some of the ACT Math subscores, there's a much better chance that you could do better on the related SAT Math subscores and get a relatively higher overall SAT Math score. The head on the right is ACT Math subscores, the head on the left is SAT subscores, and you're the goateed man in the middle, wondering if you should take the SAT as well. It's...it's not a perfect representation. So what are the different subscores, and which ones are comparable? We’ll start off by comparing different reporting categories for the SAT and ACT, section by section. Section-Level Subscores on the SAT and ACT Reporting categories function similarly on the SAT and ACT in that they both attempt to break down entire sections like English or Math into more specific skills that students can then focus on. There is a slight difference in how questions are sorted into different subscores, however: on the ACT, a question is always grouped into at least one subscore category, while on the SAT there are some questions on the Math and Reading sections that don't fall into any specific reporting category. One other difference between the way section-level subscores are used on the SAT and ACT is that on the SAT, subscores are scaled to a range of 1-15, while on the ACT, subscores are measured on a scale of 0-100%. As you'll see in the more detailed analyses below, the number of questions that go into each subscore varies a little bit more on the ACT than on the SAT, so a percentage reporting system makes more sense for the ACT. Important caveat: our descriptions of correspondence between the different subscores on the SAT and ACT are based purely on content (what the subscores say they're measuring), rather than empirical data on correlations between different subscores (since that data is not currently available). We'll update this article if and when that data is released. Division Street Between the Bridges/used under CC BY 2.0/Resized from original. Reporting Categories: Math (SAT and ACT) Out of the 58 questions that appear on the Math section of the SAT, there are three no-calculator and three calculator questions that don't apply towards any subscore, leaving 52 questions to fall into one of three non-overlapping categories: Heart of Algebra, Problem Solving and Data Analysis, and Passport to Advanced Math. Name # of questions Score Range Heart of Algebra 19 (8 no calculator, with calculator) 1-15 Problem Solving and Data Analysis 17 (all with calculator) 1-15 Passport to Advanced Math 16 (9 no calculator, 8 with calculator) 1-15 In contrast to the relatively straightforward division of questions on SAT Math, ACT Math reports eight different subscores to students. Two of these subscore (Preparing for Higher Math and Integrating Essential Skills) cover all 60 ACT Math questions; of the remaining categories, five are further divisions of Preparing for Higher Math, while one (Modeling) measures questions from both the Preparing for Higher Math and Integrating Essential Skills subscore categories. Name # of questions Score Range Preparing for Higher Math 35 0-100% Number Quantity ~5* 0-100% Algebra ~8 0-100% Functions ~8 0-100% Geometry ~8 0-100% Statistics Probability ~6 0-100% Integrating Essential Skills 25 0-100% Modeling ~22 0-100% *Number of questions with a "~" next to it indicates variation from test to test. SAT Math vs ACT Math Subscores Based on the SAT and ACT's descriptions of what each subscore covers, there is a lot of overlap between subscores on the two tests. The biggest links are as follows: SAT Heart of Algebra and ACT Algebra SAT Problem Solving and Data Analysis and ACT Statistics Probability and/or ACT Integrating Essential Skills and/or ACT Modeling SAT Passport to Advanced Mathematics and ACT Functions The overlap between the subscores is not complete (for instance, Heart of Algebra on the SAT does not cover exactly the same things as Algebra on the ACT), but there still should be some correspondence between the above subscores on the SAT and ACT. We have a much more detailed look at the ways SAT and ACT Math compare to one another in this article. for my math girl/used under CC BY-SA 2.0/Cropped from original. Reporting Categories: Writing and Language (SAT) and English (ACT) On SAT Writing and Language, all 44 questions fall into one of two section-level subscores: Expression of Ideas or Standard English Conventions. Name # of questions Score Range Expression of Ideas 24 1-15 Standard English Conventions 20 1-15 Similarly, ACT English divides up its 75 questions into three different subscores: Production of Writing, Knowledge of Language, and Conventions of Standard English. Name # of questions Score Range Production of Writing 23-24 0-100% Knowledge of Language 10- 0-100% Conventions of Standard English 40 0-100% SAT Writing vs ACT English Subscores Based on the descriptions of the two tests' subscores, students can expect their SAT Standard English Conventions subscore to be similar, percentage-wise, to their ACT Conventions of Standard English subscore. For instance, a student who gets 14/15 (93.3%) on Standard English Conventions should expect to get a similar score on Conventions of Standard English. SAT's "Expression of Ideas" subscore appears to cover items that both Production of Writing and Knowledge of Language subscores cover on the ACT, so it's possible that those scores would also be correlated; however, because you'd be going from one subscore to two subscores (or two to one), the equivalency is likely to be less clear. For more about the connection between SAT Writing and ACT English, read our comparison of the two sections. Knowing your Onions/used under CC BY 2.0/Resized from original. Reporting Categories: Reading (SAT and ACT) SAT Reading is unusual among SAT sections in that there are no subscores that only reflect performance on the SAT Reading section. Instead, the SAT has two reporting categories that combine questions from Writing and Language and from Reading: Words in Context and Command of Evidence. The breakdown of how many questions from each section are included in each subscore is shown in the table below. Name # of Questions Score Range Words in Context 18 (10 Reading, 8 Writing) 1-15 Command of Evidence 18 (10 Reading, 8 Writing) 1-15 The ACT is much more straightforward with its Reading subscores. The Understanding Complex Texts subscore measures how well students understand the central meaning of college-level texts (although which subset of items this subscore refers to is not told to the student); in addition, all 40 Reading questions are further divided into one of three subscore categories (Key Ideas and Details, Craft and Structure, and Integration of Knowledge and Ideas). Name # of questions Score Range Key Ideas and Details 23-24 0-100% Craft and Structure -14 0-100% Integration of Knowledge and Ideas 3-5 0-100% Understanding Complex Texts 40 Below, Proficient, or Above SAT Reading vs ACT Reading Subscores Because the SAT "Reading" subscores draw on items from both SAT Reading and Writing and Language, while the ACT Reading subscores only apply to ACT Reading items, it's harder to compare the categories. Based on the descriptions of the subscores, the SAT Words in Context subscore likely will show some kind of correlation with ACT Craft and Structure subscore, while the SAT Command of Evidence and ACT Integration of Knowledge and Ideas subscores are also likely linked; however, the relationship is much weaker than with ACT English/SAT Writing and Language items. Learn more about the differences between SAT and ACT Reading here! Two stacks of books next to each other/used under CC BY 2.0/Cropped from original. Reporting Categories: Science (ACT Only) The ACT Science Test provides three subscores: Interpretation of Data, Scientific Investigation, and Evaluation of Models, Inferences, and Experimental Results. Name # of questions Score Range Interpretation of Data 16 0-100% Scientific Investigation 10- 0-100% Evaluation of Models, Inferences, and Experimental Results 13-14 0-100% ACT Science vs SAT Subscores Since the SAT has no science section, there is no direct comparison possible from section-to-section. While the descriptions of the skills measured with ACT Science subscores may have some relationship to the items captured by SAT Reading and Math, the tasks that the ACT asks students to complete are specific enough to ACT Science that it's unlikely there'd be a strong correlation between subscores on ACT Science and those on SAT Reading or SAT Math. Science, it works./used under CC BY 2.0/Cropped from original. Reporting Categories: Writing (ACT) and Essay (SAT) With the changes to the SAT in March 2016, there is no longer one total SAT Essay score reported. Instead, students who opt to take the essay will receive three different subscores: Reading, Analysis, and Writing. Name Score Range Reading 2-8 (two graders scoring on a scale of 1-4) Analysis 2-8 (two graders scoring on a scale of 1-4) Writing 2-8 (two graders scoring on a scale of 1-4) The ACT still provides students who opt to take ACT Plus Writing with an overall Writing score on a scale of 2-12, but since September 2015 has also reported four different subscores to students: Ideas Analysis, Development Support, Organization, and Writing. As of September 2016, the total ACT Writing score is just an average of the four domain scores each student receives on the essay, so it's debatable whether or not the domain scores count as "subscores," but I've included them below for completeness's sake (and to make it easier to compare with the SAT essay). Name Score Range Ideas Analysis 2-12 (two graders scoring on a scale of 1-6) Development Support 2-12 (two graders scoring on a scale of 1-6) Organization 2-12 (two graders scoring on a scale of 1-6) Language Use 2-12 (two graders scoring on a scale of 1-6) SAT Essay vs ACT Essay Subscores As with ACT English vs SAT Writing, a very strong case can be made for the correlation between subscores on the SAT and ACT essays. While the SAT Essay Reading score is its own beast, there's a fairly straightforward relationship between the remaining two SAT essay subscores and the four ACT essay subscores: SAT Essay Analysis = ACT Essay Ideas Analysis and ACT Essay Development Support SAT Essay Writing = ACT Essay Organization and ACT Essay Language Use The numerical relationships aren't exact between the essay subscores (you can't just multiple your ACT Essay Organization and Language Use summed scores by 2/3 to get your equivalent SAT Essay Writing score), but the theoretical relationships between SAT/ACT essay subscores are strong. If you do well on the Analysis and Writing portion of the SAT essay, chances are you will also do very well on the ACT essay; if you get extremely high ACT Organization and Language Use scores, you'll likely do well on at least the Writing area of the SAT essay. For further reading, check out our articles analyzing the rubrics that determine your SAT and ACT essay scores. home work routine/used under CC BY 2.0/Cropped from original. Extra Advice: Want to get into the best college you can? Read our famous guide on how to get into Harvard, the Ivy League, and your top choice college. In this guide, you'll learn: What colleges are looking for in your application How to impress your top choice colleges Why you're probably wasting your time on activities that don't matter Even if you're not actually interested in Ivy League schools, you'll still learn something fundamental about how to apply to college. Read our top college admissions guide today. Cross-Test Scores on the SAT and ACT Cross-test scores are meant to analyze performance on a broader level than the section subscores can. Theoretically, these cross-test scores are capturing information about broader skills like â€Å"analysis in science† and â€Å"English/Language Arts† that students have to draw on for multiple sections. As of March 2016, the SAT now provides students with two scores that incorporate items from all sections of the test: Analysis in History/Social Sciences and Analysis in Science. Name Sections Included Topics Covered # of questions Score Range Analysis in History/Social Sciences Reading, Writing, Math analytical thinking about texts and questions in history/social sciences 35 (21 Reading, 6 Writing, 8 Math) 10-40 Analysis in Science Reading, Writing, Math analytical thinking about texts and questions in science 35 (21 Reading, 6 Writing, 8 Math) 10-40 The ACT's cross-test scores are a little more limited in scope; the English Language Arts score averages together students' English, Reading, and Writing test scores, while the STEM score averages together students' Math and Science test scores. Name Sections Included Topics Covered # of questions Score Range ELA (English Language Arts)* English, Reading, Writing overall performance on English, Reading, and Writing Tests 6 (75 English, 40 Reading, 1 Writing) 1-36** STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) Math, Science overall performance on Math and Science Tests 100 (60 Math, 40 Science) 1-36 *Only calculated for students who do the optional essay (ACT Writing) **Calculated using the Writing Test scale score (1-36) rather than the normal ACT Writing score (2-12), although this scaled Writing score is no longer reported to students on score reports (Source: Email communication with ACT Customer Care). Unlike section-level subscores, the cross-test scores on the SAT and ACT are not really comparable, due to methodological differences (SAT cross-test scores use some items from Reading, Writing, and Math, while ACT cross-test scores use all items from selected sections). So if you get a high ACT STEM score, that's no guarantee you'd get an equally good "Analysis in Science" score on the SAT. Apples Oranges - They Don't Compare/used under CC BY 2.0. A Quick Note on College and Career Readiness Scores These scores are only part of ACT score reports, so they’re not comparable across SAT and ACT, but I wanted to briefly mention them because the college benchmarks, at least, do show up on every student's score report (the career readiness information only shows up if students have previously completed ACT's Interest Inventory). With college readiness benchmark and estimates of how well high school students are likely to do in introductory college courses like Freshman English or College Algebra, ACT, Inc. is trying to provide more guidance for high school students. This is admirable, but it's unclear whether or not the benchmarks twist the test into supporting interpretations that were never meant to be made and that the data do not support. Because the methodology used to calculate benchmarks and college readiness is not public (for instance, students can't see which Reading questions go into their "Arguments" benchmark score, or what constitutes a college "History" class for the purpose of benchmarks), it cannot be independently assessed for veracity and validity. Similarly, there has been no public research released thus far that shows supplying students with these benchmarks has any benefit. In my personal opinion, these college and career readiness scores, absent empirical proof, are more likely to have a neutral or harmful effect than to provide any benefit. This is particularly true for scores that tell students they aren't REALLY interested in what they think they're interested in (as the Interest Inventory might), or inform students have no chance at succeeding in a field they are interested in (for instance, if they have 25% chance in getting above a C in Engineering but want to be an engineer). My advice: Skip looking at the College and Career Readiness subscores and benchmarks. Until there's evidence that shows the ACT benchmarks are a more reliable predictor of college success than high school GPA, there's no point fretting over them. Widgeroo/used under CC BY-SA 2.0/Cropped from original. No need to worry about the College and Career Readiness benchmarks. Do Subscores Succeed? In a very limited sense, subscores do succeed in their goal of providing more information about student achievement. In particular, subscores help students who can’t afford or don’t want to order Test Information Release (ACT) or Question and Answer Service/Student Answer Service (SAT). Large discrepancies between subscores within a section are a sign that students have specific areas they can improve on and see a large impact in their scores; for example, if you get 16% on statistics and probability and 100% on all other math subscores, then you can know with precision what's keeping your Math score down and what you have to work on to increase it. For the most part, though, there’s going to be some correlation among performance on subscores within a section (that’s why they’re in the same section – they’re testing related skills), and blips on the subscore percentages won’t tell you as much as looking at the individual questions you got wrong and determining why you got them wrong. Cross-test subscores are more independent and so do provide unique information, but that information isn’t really useful to students in terms of test preparation. For instance, if a student gets 38/40 in â€Å"Analysis in History/Social Science† and 40/40 in â€Å"Analysis in Science† on the SAT, that might show where the student’s strengths lie, but it’s not an area that students can specifically target to improve on; any improvement on cross-test subscores has to come at a lower level, through students increasing their question-level or section-level knowledge. College and career readiness subscores like the ones the ACT provides could potentially be helpful to students who have no idea what they want to study in college, but in all honesty there are better places to get guidance for that than your performance on a 4-hour standardized college entrance exam. Emptiness/used under CC BY 2.0/Cropped from original. Bonus: Want to improve your SAT/ACT section scores? Check out our top guides for every single section of the SAT and ACT. SAT 800 Score Guides: SAT Reading | SAT Writing | SAT Math | SAT Essay ACT 36 Score Guides: ACT English | ACT Math | ACT Reading | ACT Science | ACT Essay These are the very best guides available on boosting your SAT/ACT scores, section by section. They're written by Harvard grads and perfect SAT/ACT scorers. Don't disappoint yourself - read these guides and improve your score today. What’s Next? Pit the SAT and ACT against each other with our full breakdown of the differences and similarities between the SAT and ACT; if you prefer a side by side comparison, then you'll prefer our SAT vs ACT comparison charts. Scoring equally well on both tests and thinking about doubling down? Learn the best (and only) reasons to take both the SAT and ACT here. Not sure which test to take? Read our guide on whether you should take the ACT or new 2016 SAT. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Thursday, November 21, 2019

A Journal opinion article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 7

A Journal opinion article - Essay Example n of the FED hinted at reducing asset purchases which currently stand at US$85billion according to ‘The Globe and Mail’ online newsfeed, has made investors to pull out their investments out of the emerging markets and prepare to buy the dollars readying to invest in the US markets (Reuters 2013). Domestic problems have not helped the situation get better; the unrests that have been experienced in the mining industry have worsened the strength of the rand. The closer of Lomnin mines unnerved investors forcing the large pull off witnessed in early may, and with the riots not seeming to end anytime soon and the negotiations still in progress, the rand seem likely to remain on low levels for the coming few months. Another issue that is ailing the south African rand is the widening trade deficit that the country has; according to end of April report, the12-month debt levels had reached a staggering ZAR134 billion which is approximately 6.5% of the country’s GDP. With the strikes in the mines and crisis in the Euro zone where South Africa mainly exports its manufactured goods to, the deficit problems is not likely to go away and with it the current trends in the rand are to be maintained. The import market in South Africa has suffered the greatest blow; importers of good from overseas have been forced to increase prices for their commodities, which have trickled down to the citizens in this middle-income country in Africa. Exporters, who some few years back were lobbying the central bank to weaken the rand have also suffered huge setbacks in their business as they have to pay more to import the heavy machineries that are used in mining and manufacturing industries. The South African chamber for commerce is also not very optimistic about the situation as it reported lower confidence levels in the markets in the last two months. Most of the firms that depend on imports and goods for the high-end consumers have had to cut on their costs that includes laying off

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Recruitment process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Recruitment process - Essay Example Recruitment is the process of identifying and hiring qualified candidates for a job opening. However, recruitment process involves attracting, hiring, and interviewing new employees. On the other hand, selection process is the evaluation of candidate, through interview, for specific job. There is a difference between recruitment and selection process. Recruitment process mostly involves attracting candidates who are later hired for a job upon qualifications. The selection process involves identifying the qualities needed for a candidate to quality for a job. Internal methods of recruitment are usually done for the preparation of a recruitment process. There are a number of internal methods of recruitment. The first process in recruitment is job analysis. This entails reviewing the manpower plan of the company frequently so as to establish a gap. The Human Resource Manager liaises with the head of departments so as to see whether a job position in a given sector is necessary. Such a position should be ideal in that it should allow for future promotion and expansion. Once such a job position is confirmed, the concerned HR manager fills a requisition form which is sent to the Line Manager. The Line Manager then submits it to the Recruitment Manager upon its approval. The Recruitment Manager has the final say hence his approval leads to creation of a vacancy. (Lee, 2012:19).this new development comes with a myriad of details that include: job posting which involves the possibility of workers within the company applying for the created vacan cy; reference number of the vacancy, postal postal association and the academic qualifications, skills and experience required for the vacancy. The second stage involves writing the Job Description and PS. The departmental heads are vital components when it comes to giving the boundaries of the job in the form of a job description. This is simply because he or she is

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Dog Training Essay Example for Free

Dog Training Essay Training dogs has become my personal hobby for the past __ years. While I do not gain any financial benefit from this activity, I am able to derive entertainment and satisfaction from it. In fact, it has allowed me to gain additional information about dogs, grow emotionally, and increase my patience, respect, and compassion. First, my exposure to dogs enabled me to learn more about the canine species and their behavior. Dogs have specific characteristics that vary based on their breed. For example, the temper of a Golden Retriever is different from a Lhassa Aphso with the latter being relatively upbeat than the former. Second, I was able to grow emotionally and become more considerate of others. Dogs are one of the most affectionate animals both towards other dogs and human beings. It is the faithful and loyal nature of dogs that I find very moving and exceptional, to a certain extent. As I become immersed with them every day, I am able to enhance my ability of expressing my own feelings and become appreciative of others. Lastly, I became more patient, respectful, and compassionate. Training dogs requires a great deal of patience especially when the dog refuses to cooperate. However, I learned to devise strategies that would increase my patience by infusing respect and compassion in my work. I reminded myself that I have to respect the limitations of others and become more compassionate with individual differences. Indeed, dog training, as a personal hobby, benefited me in more ways than one. It taught me values that are essential for everyday living, such as respect, patience, compassion, emotional growth. To top all of these, I gained valuable information through an entertaining and fulfilling way.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Examples Of Charles Dickens Chthonic Journeys :: GCSE English Literature Coursework

Question- In Charles Dickens autobiographical memoir Fragments of an Autobiography what are three chthonic journeys that he faces?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In Charles Dickens autobiographical memoir Fragments of an Autobiography he has many chthonic journeys that he never fully recovered from. The essay starts off with Charles Dickens having to work at a blacking warehouse with a pay of six pints at the age of ten or twelve, even though he wants to go to school. His father is in jail due to money problems, which leaves the family with no money to pay their rent. As a result Charles goes to live with a friend and the rest of his family goes to live with the father in jail because they have no other place to go. He faces numerous chthonic journeys, or journeys to the underworld, including his terrible family life, his poor work conditions and low pay, which leads to money problems and his having to work even though he wants to go to school and get an education.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Throughout the essay there are countless examples as to how Dickens experienced chthonic journeys. One is that his family is in terrible condition. His father is in jail due to money problems, which then left the family with no money to pay their rent. Their father/husband borrowed money from people and never repaid them. Back in the Stinson-2 1800’s if you owed people money and couldn’t pay them back you would go to jail. With no house to live in everybody but Charles Dickens goes to live in jail with their father because they have no place to live. On the other hand Charles Dickens goes to live with friend. With all of this happening, including his family living in jail and his living away from them with a friend just crushed Dickens hopes and feelings.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another chthonic journey that Charles Dickens faced was his working condition and his pay. Dickens worked at a blacking warehouse. The blacking warehouse was in terrible condition. There were rats everywhere, decaying floors and extremely small rooms. From this job he only earned six pints a week, which is very little to live on. With getting so little money he could barely buy the things that were necessary to live on. Once he bought things that he needed he had little to no extra money. He couldn’t buy any fun things to play with or extra food for a bedtime snack, which meant that at times he had have to go without food or other necessary items.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Are You Really Who You Wanted To Be?

A clear reflection of yourself is the most beautiful creature you can ever see in front of the mirror. † I can still remember signing a slumberous or autograph book during my high school life. It comes with a variety of questions regarding personal information, favorites, ambition, and a lot more. But one thing I will never forget is the part wherein I were asked to describe myself.Describing yourself is Just a piece of cake, isn't it? That's what I also think at first, but at the middle of describing how I look or what personality I have, I suddenly have to ask myself what I am really pertaining to? Am I defining myself base on how I see It? Or how other people see It? We are living In a world which Is full of uncertainties. Yet behind any uncertainty, Is a certain reason why we exist. It Is simply because we exist for a purpose.Unfortunately, we used to live with what other people think about us, and that Idea has the ability to destroy what we truly aim for. It Is an Issue t hat people didn't realize at all. Lucky are those who can define themselves as who they really are, with no pretension and no hesitation. So If you think of changing yourself In order to reach he expectation of others, think again! Is that really what you wanted? If not, then don't proceed because If you fall, you'll Just end up feeling worthless and frustrated.A YES to the question â€Å"are you really who you wanted to be? † Is an Indication of satisfaction In life. If you appreciate everything In life, It will be easy for you to live as the real you and meet the perfect state of happiness. A clear reflection of yourself Is the most beautiful creature you can ever see In front of the mirror. Remember, God's creature Is always beautiful In different ways, and we have to be thankful for that.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Child Called It

Jalen Jones Mrs. Moore English 113 A 1/3/12 Book Summary A Child Called It by David Pelzer is a real life story about a boy who was brutally beaten and severely starved by his alcoholic mother. When David was young, he lived a well and typical life with his parents and brothers. However, his mother unexpectedly, became a monster, taking her anger out on her anger on her vulnerable child.David was forced to lie in freezing cold water with his whole body under except for his nostrils, forced to eat his own vomit, sleep in the basement under the stairs, stabbed, and forced to sit in the bathroom with a mustard gas solution while the door was closed. These are just a few of the brutal, tortuous games that David’s mother used to play. She treated him not like her son, but like nobody with no feelings or emotions. David’s mother would never call him by his name, she always either called him â€Å"The Boy† or â€Å"It† David experienced both psychological and phy sical abuse.In order to survive from his mother's sick games, David used willpower. David has a strong will to survive at any cost. Through all of mothers’ torturous games, David's internal strength began to come into view. Introduction to Interview David Pelzer’s story is the exact opposite of a fairy tale. There was something I couldn’t get right about him. He looked normal but his childhood wasn’t. The room was bright and warm. I sat there preparing my questions for David Pelzer. As he walked into the room and sat down in the chair, I wondered â€Å"is this going to be a dreadful, painful day for David Pelzer? I knew that today, skeletons will be brought out of the closet. Today, there will be secrets revealed. Interview Questions Okay David, let’s jump right in. What was mother like? Mother was†¦ Mother. She was an alcoholic who tortured and starved me for her sick pleasure. She would do things to me that you couldn’t possibly fath om. Once she stabbed m in the stomach and gave me a slightly longer time to complete my chores. But the person, who I loathed in that situation the most, was father. After I was stabbed I turned to him for help and I assumed he would rescue me. Boy was I wrong.He just sat there†¦ In his chair†¦ Continuing to read his paper. When I told him all he could say was â€Å"Jesus H. Christ! Does Mother know that you are talking to me? You better go back in there and do the dishes. Damn it boy, we don’t need to do anything that might make her more upset! I don’t need to go through that tonight†¦I tell you what: you go back in there and do the dishes. I won’t even tell that you told, okay? This will be our little secret. Just go back in the kitchen and do the dishes. Go on now, before she catches the both of us. GO! † That day I lost all respect for him.The day I was taken away from that house was easily the best day of my life. What was the worst th ing mother did to torture you? The worst form of torture? Easily the â€Å"Gas Chamber† I would be trapped in the bathroom with a solution of Clorox  ® and Ammonia. In case you didn’t know that makes Mustard Gas. This was used in WWI to burn your eyes and lungs. The only way to save myself was to push the bucket closer to the door, put one of my work rags over my face. The main reason why I would push the bucket toward the door was so that when Mother opened the door, she would get a taste of her own medicine.My eyes would be red and burning and my throat will be sore and will be blister filled. Every time she did this I would pray to god that he would bring me through this. I had much will power. When Mother opened that door after each session, I would sprint for fresh air, and every time she would get a kick out of it. What was mother like before the abuse? Before the abuse started, my family was the â€Å"Brady Bunch† of the 1960’s. When it came to h ousekeeping mother was a clean fiend. After feeding my two brothers and me breakfast, she would clean, disinfect, scour, and vacuum everything.She never believed in doing anything half way. Our flower garden was the envy of the neighborhood. Mother was an amazing cook. She would often cook foreign and exotic meals. One time she took us to china town and dove around the area. As we did this, she told us about the culture and history of the Chinese people. When we returned home, mom started the record player and played beautiful sounds from the orient. She decorated the living room with Chinese lanterns. That evening she dressed in a kimono and served an exotic yet delicious Chinese meal.She always kept the house filled with pets; cats, dogs, aquariums filled with exotic fish, and a gopher tortoise named Thor. I remember him the best because I named him after my favorite comic book hero. Boy those were the good days. While school was out, what did you do? During the spring time, mothe r made me mow lawns. I would go out and mow lawns all day for a quota mother had set. If I didn’t meet the quota, I would get brutally beaten. Sometimes I would have to ask for money to meet my quota. One Christmas, she bought me skates. They were not for pleasure but for torture.Mother would make me skate outside in the freezing cold for hours with no coat on. It was horrible. Even though people saw me, no one did anything or asked questions. Was there a time where you stopped believing in god or that faith was nonexistent? Yes there was. When my father left, I stopped believing. He was my hero. My father was my only main choice of escaping that misery home. When he left, I had no more hope. All faith of leaving was gone. When he left, I started to do my chores nonchalantly. I decided that if there was nothing to live for why try to be perfect? What was something you were extremely proud of during your childhood?One day I entered a competition to name the school newspaper. I had one the competition and Mr. Ziegler; my teacher had given me an award to take home to my mother. I was hoping that she would be proud of me but boy was I wrong. Mother jabbed her finger and my face and hisses â€Å"Get one thing straight you little son of a b****! There is nothing you can do to impress me! Understand me? You are a nobody! An It. You are nonexistent! You are a bastard child! I hate you and I wish you were dead! Dead! Do you hear me? Dead! † After mother tore the letter to pieces mother returned to her TV show.I stood motionless gazing at the letter which lay like snowflakes at my feet. Even though I heard those words over and over again, the word â€Å"it† stunned me like never before. She had stripped me of my very existence. What would you do to steal food? Sometimes I would steal from the grocery store during recess. I would run to the grocery store, steal food, and run out the store with my prize. One of my favorites was to go through lunch box es of other kids and steal some of their food. But teachers found out about that. On my way to school, I would knock on peoples doors saying† I lost my lunch, can you make me one? One day I knocked on the wrong door. It was a friend of mothers. She made me a lunch but she called mother. I prayed all day that she didn’t call mother. When I got home I paid for what I did. Do you have any advice for people who get abused? Of course. Keep the faith. Always know there is a higher power helping you through the situation. Keep your head up. In time everything will get better. It did for me. I stopped believing but that only got me more torture. Just always know things will get better. Things always turn out in the best. Always remember that.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

What are the Inherit Problems and Contradictions of Liberali essays

What are the Inherit Problems and Contradictions of Liberali essays Liberalism is a broad church of ideology that has provided the staple set of principles that form modern political thought. Since its inception as one of the core developments of the enlightenment, liberalism has evolved into a vast, all spanning and often contradictory forest of political thought. Though some forms of liberalism seem poles apart they all, for the most part, share the same underlying principles, those being ideas of tolerance, reason, justice and above all the rights and freedoms of the individual. Though many of the principles of liberalism simply became so through association and as a result are not always expressed by other strands of the ethos, the idea of the individual and their rights is the cornerstone and bed rock of all sects and divisions and has been so for the last two hundred years. The end is universal one, what varies so spectacularly are the means. Perhaps many of the contradictions of liberalism stem from the fact that is formed from seemingly opposite ideals. The idea of natural rights, which would now be called human rights, were thought to be self evident by Thomas Jefferson and essential to any liberal society. They were called natural rights because they were believed to be just that; inalienable and undeniable and given to all at birth. Jefferson and the early liberals defined them as Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness. British philosopher Locke defined them slightly differently as being Life, Liberty and Property, though perhaps the latter simply reflects his interpretation of happiness. The idea of natural rights was challenged by the contemporary and markedly contradictory notion of Utilitarianism. Utilitarianism was based on ideas of human nature and rejected ideas of natural rights. Utilitarian philosophers believed that individuals are motivated by the pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance of pain. They believed that humans rationally decid...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

African Commonwealth Nations

African Commonwealth Nations The following alphabetical list gives the date at which each African Country joined the Commonwealth of Nations as an independent state. The majority of African countries joined as Commonwealth Realms, later converting to Commonwealth Republics. Two countries, Lesotho and Swaziland, joined as Kingdoms. British Somaliland (which joined with Italian Somaliland five days after gaining independence in 1960 to form Somalia), and Anglo-British Sudan (which became a republic in 1956) did not become members of the Commonwealth of Nations. Egypt, which had been part of the Empire until 1922, has never shown an interest in becoming a member. African Commonwealth Nations Botswana, 30 September 1966 as a RepublicCameroon, 11 November 1995 as a RepublicThe Gambia, 18 February 1965 as a Realm- became a Republic on 24 April 1970Ghana, 6 March 1957 as a Realm- became a Republic 1 July 1960Kenya, 12 December 1963 as a Realm- became a Republic on 12 December 1964Lesotho, 4 October 1966 as a KingdomMalawi, 6 July 1964 as a Realm- became a Republic on 6 July 1966Mauritius, 12 March 1968 as a realm- became a Republic on 12 March 1992Mozambique, 12 December 1995 as a RepublicNamibia, 21 March 1990 as a republicNigeria, 1 October 1960 as a Realm- became a Republic on 1 October 1963 – suspended between 11 November 1995 and 29 May 1999Rwanda, 28 November 2009 as a RepublicSeychelles, 29 June 1976 as a RepublicSierra Leone, 27 April 1961 as a Realm- became a Republic 19 April 1971South Africa, 3 December 1931 as a Realm- withdrew on becoming a Republic on 31 May 1961, rejoined 1 June 1994Swaziland, 6 September 1968 as a KingdomTanganyika, 9 December 1961 as a Realm- became Republic of Tanganyika on 9 December 1962, United Republic of Tanganyika and Zanzibar on 26 April 1964, and United Republic of Tanzania on 29 October 1964. Uganda, 9 October 1962 as a Realm- became a Republic on 9 October 1963Zambia, 24 October 1964 as a RepublicZimbabwe, 18 April 1980 as a Republic- suspended on 19 March 2002, departed on 8 December 2003

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Personal Abilities, Skills, Capability and Experience to Set Up a Statement

Abilities, Skills, Capability and Experience to Set Up a Business - Personal Statement Example In the past, I have had entrepreneurial thoughts. I have thought of innovations that would make changes to the world. I thought of innovations that would make life easier for people while adding opportunities for jobs and livelihood of people.  There are various reasons that make me consider myself as an entrepreneur. The best indicator is that most of my role models are entrepreneurs. On top of the role model is Bill Gates. I consider him as a role model for his innovativeness and courage. Although a student, Bill Gates was innovative enough to see how software development could solve people problems (Bridge S, O'Neill K, Martin F, 2009). He did not stop at the academic level but pursued his discovery and implemented the knowledge. Bill Gate's courage is manifested by how he is able to pursue the discovery even though they are limited by resources and skills. Richard Branson of the Virgin Empire is another role model. Richardson's self-beliefs inspire me. He is able to see problem s and does not run away from the problem but bravely confronts the problem and comes up with solutions.  As an entrepreneur, I am innovative. I am able to come up with solutions using innovative ways. From my lower grades in school, other students relied on me to give solutions when they were met with challenges. I have been able to use my innovativeness and interest in information technology in various ways. I have prepared and implemented software applications that can solve various problems. At my home, I prepared a software application that helps me to remember to prepare for every day. Together with my colleagues, we were able to present software applications that help manages students' welfare at our former High school. My self believe adds to my qualities of entrepreneurship. I believed in my capacity to bring changes to the society and take it as a duty to bring positive changes. Although some other people are not comfortable with my assertiveness, I take it as a gift that should be exploited for the good of the people. My inner drive helps me to overcome negative reactions and pessimistic opinions of other people. The business idea that I have in mind is online marketing and sales. This idea came in my mind as a result of development in information technology that has changed the culture and ways of life of people (Burns P, 2008). The conventional ways of doing business would not be successful in this information era. The information era calls for a restructuring of the business to conform to new technologies. The other motivation for online marketing and sales is the philosophy of lean (Entrepreneur, 2009). Most of the products that are sold to the end are sold at a very high price as compared to the production cost of the product. The additional costs to the products resulting from the many middlemen. Online sales and marketing enable the products to be sold directly to the end ensuring that the end user gets the value of the money used.  Online sales and marketing requirements and entails the use of information technology in sales and marketing. As an entrepreneur, I wish to apply the skills to assist business and corporate market their products through the internet. In addition to the market, I wish to assist businesses to implement direct online sales to their customers.