Tuesday, December 24, 2019

How to Handle Violence in Youth Sports - 1498 Words

Everyone agrees that parent involvement is a good thing. But when the parent behaves inappropriately, it creates a poor environment for the children to learn and enjoy themselves. Sideline rage with parents behaving badly at youth sports events is such an epidemic, that 76% of respondents from 60 high school athletic associations said increased spectator interference is causing many officials to quit (Associated Press, 6/3/01). Parents are supposed to be role models, and the lessons they teach will determine their values and actions in the future. These days violence in childrens sports is not limited to the playing field; overbearing parents are creating dangerous situations on the field. Involving your child in sports is important†¦show more content†¦At age ten, many kids have private coaching and attend specialized clinics in the off season. The coach is usually someone with a background in sports, either a retired professional player or coach. Practices are now scheduled for twice a week and attending a weekly clinic is strongly recommended, with a strength conditioning workout schedule between practices. All of these changes mean more involvement time for the parents. Parents are now spending up ten hours a week watching their children compete with other children, and this pressure can sometimes be too much for the parent. In 2002, Thomas Junta was convicted of involuntary manslaughter after he attacked Michael Costin, who later died of his injuries. Mr. Costin was refereeing a pickup game of hockey. The fight was witnessed by a dozen children including the children of both Mr. Junta and Mr. Costin (Butterfield, 2002). While this is by far one of the worst incidents in sports rage, there are other types of behavior that can still harm our youth. Physical violence is often a rare occurrence; verbal abuse and intimidation have been seen frequently. When a parents scream at their child after practice that he/she did not run fast enough or hit hard enough, can be considered a form of verbal abuse. Also consider when a parent of one child screams at the team for not performing well and not winning the game, this combined with swearing can reduce a child to tears. Daniel Wann, PhD states that if aShow MoreRelatedYouth Sports Should Not Be A Challenge For Children1361 Words   |  6 PagesGrowing up as a you ng adult is hard enough as it is, playing sports should not be a challenge for them, but a fun environment filled with growth and learning. Unfortunately the youth today have to deal with more than just competing at sports. Youth sports should be focusing on challenging their strengths and building character, but this is not the case. The challenges that the youth in sports today are going through deals with three different categories. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Cellphones Should Be Banned Free Essays

Cellphones should be banned Nowadays you see cellphones everywhere: at the store, at a restaurant, and even at the theater. People seem not able to put them down or turn them off. Cellphones have negative effects on health, society, and safety. We will write a custom essay sample on Cellphones Should Be Banned or any similar topic only for you Order Now I have arranged my discussion in this order, ascending of importance, in order to give the reader some insight in the world of cellphones, and why cellphones should be banned. Cellphones can cause severe stress in all generations. Children and young adults are always on; they eat, sleep and shower with their cellphones. Gaby Badre, MD, PhD, of Sahlgren’s Academy in Gothenburg, Sweden found out that â€Å"Teenagers who excessively use their cell phone are more prone to disrupted sleep, restlessness, stress and fatigue† (American Academy of Sleep Medicine). While teenagers are stressed when they are not on their phone, always being on can stress people in the workforce. â€Å"Increasing use of cell phones and pagers may be blurring the boundaries between work and home and raising stress levels at both places† (Warner). Even though there is just anecdotal evidence of cellphone related cancer and brain damage in adults, evidence was found that cellphones can damage a child’s brain. Children using mobile phones absorb as much as double the amount of radiation through their heads as adults. The leading scientist Dr. Om Ghandi, from the University of Utah, found that a child’s brain can absorb radiation across its entire surface. Cellphone radiation mainly effects the neurological system of a child, â€Å"causing headaches, lack of concentration, memory loss and sleeping disorders. It can also cause epilepsy in children† (international parenting association). Further can radiation of cellphones harm body cells and DNA. In Europe 12 research groups, worked on the project called Reflex. Over four years the researchers, coordinated by the german research group Verum, â€Å"studied the effect of radiation on human and animal cells in the laboratory† (international parenting association). They found that single and double-strand DNA breaks, after being exposed to electro magnetic fields. Professor Leif Salford, who headed the research at Sweden’s prestigious Lund University, says ‘the voluntary exposure of the brain to microwaves from hand-held mobile phones’ is ‘the largest human biological experiment ever’† (international parenting association). Like cellphones have an effect on health, they have an impact on society. Cellphones affect social interactions, communication, and etiquette. When you are watching a gro up of young people going out, or waiting for the bus together, each person of the group is either texting or calling a friend that is not with the group right now, instead of talking to each other. They avoid uncomfortable situations and confrontations by either not answering a call or sending a text message. â€Å"Text messaging is dangerous, not only does it ruin social interaction between humans, writing skills and expression. Everything becomes so impersonal and simple† (Marquez). There is no awkward silence or nonverbal response connected to text messaging. You can basically say anything you want in text messages without revealing your feelings or opinions. Text messaging is impersonal and young adults seems to lose the ability to have a face to face conversation. Moreover do cellphone have a great impact on Socioeconomic Diversity. Cellphones and cellphone contracts are expensive. Not every parent or student can afford a cellphone with unlimited text, call, and data. This may set young adults apart from their peer and make them subject of bullying. â€Å"People can be inconsiderate when using the phone in public† (ehow) – phone etiquette is poor or does not exist at all. Answering phone calls during a movie or theater show, to holding up the line at the store, or bumping into people on the street, because of focusing on the cell phone instead of their surroundings, are all examples of poor cell phone etiquette. But the biggest problem with cellphones is safety. The National Safety Council states that 28% of all car accidents are caused by cellphone use behind the wheel. The study â€Å"A comparison of Cellphone Driver and the Drunk Driver†, by Daniel L. Strayer and et al. , at the University of Utah in 2006, states that talking on the phone while driving equals a blood alcohol of 0. 08%. While teenagers are texting, they spend about 10 percent of the time outside the driving lane they’re supposed to be in (Edgar Snyder). But there are other crucial safety issues connected with cellphones beside cellphone use while driving. Sexting, the submission of sexual messages or pictures, is becoming more and more popular among teen agers, and young adults. â€Å"In January 2009, three high school girls from Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania were charged with manufacturing and disseminating or possessing child pornography after they allegedly sent nude or seminude cell phone pictures of themselves to three male classmates. The boys, ages sixteen and seventeen,were charged with possession of child ornography for having the images on their phones. The girls involved were even younger, just fourteen and fifteen years of age (Calvert). News like that are disturbing, but far from uncommon. Young adults and teenagers reported that sexting is regarded as normal, and prerequisite for dating and hooking up. But sexted images and messages are not safe. With todays cellphone technology it is easy to send those pictures v iral, online, without the initial sender knowing. The sender can be publicly exposed without their knowing. Furthermore can others take your picture without your consent. When convicted for distributing or owning child pornography, a teenager or young adult can face the chance to be labeled as sex offenders, â€Å"a stigma that could haunt them throughout their lives, all for what one might consider a youthful, sophomoric indiscretion† (Calvert). Cellphones appear to be very convenient, yet they come with severe side effects. After considering the health, society, and safety issues that cellphones bring with them a ban of cellphones is justified. Unfortunately a ban is not in sight for right now so we need to make sure that children, teenagers and young adults learn how to use their cellphones right, without depending on them too much. Work Cited Calvert, Clay. â€Å"SEX, CELL PHONES, PRIVACY, AND THE FIRST AMENDMENT: WHEN CHILDREN BECOME CHILD PORNOGRAPHERS AND THE LOLITA EFFECT UNDERMINES THE LAW. † Firstamandmend. com. Web. 2 Mar. 2012. http://firstamendment. jou. ufl. edu/pubs/SexCellPhonesPrivacyArticle. pdf. â€Å"Developing the Child Brain. † ‘Early Learning’ Parenting Resource. Early Learning’ Parents Resource. Web. 01 May 2012. ;http://www. internationalparentingassociation. org/BrainDevelopment/cellphones. html;. Titus, Christa. â€Å"Negative Impact of Mobile Phones on Society. † EHow. Demand Media, 26 July 2009. Web. 02 May 2012. ;http://www. ehow. com/facts_5217378_negative-impact-mobile-phones-society. html;. â€Å"Cell Phone Texting Accident Statistics. † Edgarsnyder. com. Web. 03 May 2012. ;http://www. edgarsnyder. com/car-accident/cell-phone/statistics. html;. Marquez, Cesar. â€Å"Negative Aspects of Text Messaging. â€Å" How to cite Cellphones Should Be Banned, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Teddy Roosevelt Essay Example For Students

Teddy Roosevelt Essay Theodore Roosevelt, born October 27, 1858, was the United States twenty sixth President. Roosevelt was born into a wealthy and socially dominant family. Though he was a quick thinker and very bright, he was not very physically fit; Roosevelt had severe asthma attacks as a youth. (Andrews) Roosevelt attended Harvard College starting with a science major, but his eventual majors were law and politics. After graduating Harvard in 1880, Roosevelt married his first wife, had his first child, and lost his wife two weeks after the birth of their daughter on Valentines day 1884. He had also begun his career in politics, joining the Republican Party when they were treated like a private organization, having few credentials that were needed to become a member. (Roosevelt)Roosevelt did many beneficial things for his country, both as the President and as a soldier. One of the key features in his life was his involvement with the Rough Riders during the Spanish-American War, from April of 1898 to September of 1898. Prior to his involvement in the Spanish-American War, Roosevelt was the Secretary of the Navy. He resigned from that position to begin organizing the First Volunteer Calvary Regiment. 23,000 men from all parts of the United States of America; cowboys, Indians, NY policeman, Athletes from ivy league colleges and more, were eager to volunteer for the regiment. (Andrew) All of these patriots felt it was there duty to defend their country after the USS Maine had been bombed in Havana, with the blame on Spain. (Harbaugh) The majority of the men in the regiment, which was originally composed of 1000 men (Hill), were from the southwestern ranch country. These men were skilled wild horsemen, thus the regiment was given the name Rough Riders. (Roosevelt)Roosevelt was offered the position of commander of the regiment but had to decline because he did not have the time to train the soldiers. He suggested that he work under Colonel Leonard Wood as a lieutenant colonel. (Hill) Wood had received t he Medal of Honor for his military action in the capture of Apache chief Geronimo. (Harbaugh)The first battle to ever take place during the Spanish-American War was the battle of Las Guasimas, which was a small village in Cuba. Sixteen Rough Riders died in the battle, June 24th, 1889. (Harbaugh) Because the Rough Riders were strictly volunteer, their rations and supplies were not always delivered on time. Roosevelt had stated, If I wanted anything to eat it was wise to carry it with me. He also suggested, I would earnestly advise the men of every volunteer organization always to proceed upon the belief that their supplies will not turn up. (Roosevelt)In June of 1898 at the battle of San Juan Hill, Roosevelt was given notification that there might be orders to fall back. After seeing his men fight, he told General Joseph Wheeler that he did not know if he could follow those orders. Roosevelt and his men were often told that the battles would take place at night and it so happened tha t one Saturday morning there were shots fired and by morning there was artillery being fired at the regiment. (Roosevelt)After the battle at San Juan Hill, the men were exhausted and hungry. They had managed to gain control of some of the Spanishs supplies and provisions. (Jeffers)Despite the Rough Riders accomplishments during the Spanish American War, Washington was given the option to withdraw their troops from Cuba, but the proposal was vetoed. Allowing the men to fulfill their patriotic duty, but also caused a huge increase in sickness and fatigue. (Roosevelt) Even though Roosevelt and his men were always eager to fight, three fourths of the men had either died, became sick with malaria or came down with a bad case of diarrhea, also called dysentery. Roosevelt was invited to a Generals Council, where the generals met to discuss their strategies and their mens conditions. Roosevelt suggested that his men be taken home or to some part of the northern United States. However the Wa r Department did not understand the predicament that they were in. General Wheeler had invited him to the Council because Roosevelt was a volunteer and would no sooner return to civilization. Thus