Saturday, January 18, 2020

A Formula for Success

For people to succeed in life there should be a continuous plan that has to endure all through the process of their lives. Success is a process and not an event. No one has the passion of not succeeding in life but unfortunately few people have the passion to succeed. Success comes in various facets.One can succeed in religious endeavors, business, and relationships and in maintaining health among many other things. All these ways of succeeding require a well calculated plan.The formula for success entails having a vision. Champions get what they want because they know what they want. Vision motivates individuals, driving them to succeed in whatever they do. Therefore it is paramount for an individual to visualize what is successful and strive to get it no matter what. In this sense everyone has an own perception of success. Therefore what one perceives is what they get.People who consistently succeed have a clear and thoughtful strategy. They know what they want to do and when to do it. For strategic planning for success, the plan should be put down in writing. From this plan the input in terms of finance and time should be clearly stated.If it is planning for a health program, for example reducing weight the plan should have a clear and practical measures that will ensure that the aimed goal is accomplished. The time expected to reach the goal has to be also in writing. For instance, if it is to achieve an academic goal, one has to plan bearing in mind the money that needs to be invested and also the time.For someone to be successful in whatever is done there should be passion in the works done. People with passion are energized in whatever they do. If it is in business then one has to invest passionately regardless of the risks involved. For a students to succeed in their academic endeavors they have to study enthusiastically and passionately all the subjects they take.In addition, successful people are always flexible. It is indispensable sometimes for the made plans to go through. So for one to succeed, it is sometimes inevitable to change even the best laid plans. In this case there is the need to be willing to start over and to consider any potential viable alternative.Another step in the formula for success is to take risks. All successful businessmen take very high risks. Most people live in ruts because of the fear to take risks. People who consistently win are willing to get out of their comfort zone and try new things. It is therefore important to be willing to plunge into the unknown and leave behind the safe and unchallenging things.The power of association equally contributes to ones success. Friends reflect the type of people we are. If one is surrounded with people who want to succeed, the individual is bound to succeed.   Bounding with people who have skills, talents and abilities can lead one to succeed in various fields. They enable an individual to emulate them thus unleashing their potential by reacting to the chal lenges shown by friends.After one makes a plan then priorities should be set to ensure that first things are tackled first. The challenges should be managed in a hierarchical manner to ensure that the things to be tackled are handled in the order of priority. The formula for success requires an individual not to spend time on priority number two when number priority one needs attention.Finally, for one to succeed there is the need be conscious and committed to self-management. An individual’s self is the most important resource in achieving their goals. In this case individuals need to manage their mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health.ReferenceSchullar, R. (1988).Success is Never Ending Failure is Never Final. New York: Bantam Books.

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