Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Evolving Role of Government Education Essay - 1185 Words

The Evolving Role of Government in Education What are the roles of federal and state government when it comes to American education? The roles of education have evolved from historic liabilities to current liabilities. There are many laws and cases that have had an impact on American education that still has a strong influence on education today such as the debate between church and state, racial desegregation, and education finances. Other impacts as relevant are testing standards and special education programs that have arisen from influences of federal concerns. The purpose of this paper is to examine the historical and current roles that the federal and state government has on education. Other factors to include are individual cases†¦show more content†¦With time, the federal government began establishing more roles, to supplement the states responsibilities, to create programs beneficial to learning. Prominence programs the federal government wanted to focus on were pro viding education for students with exceptional needs and disabilities established in 1965. The recent addition in 2001 is to increase student achievement through promotions of academic standards and qualifications known as The No Child Left Behind Act (Webb, 2010, p. 342). These programs are substantial in helping disadvantaged students, but it does not give the federal government full recognition of education. Since the federal government has limitations on education, the state is acknowledged for having full authority over the educational system. Historically the states power to control education was always its obligation, today it still remains. The state’s responsibility to provide education and meet standards of excellence is to ensure all perform at a proficient level (Webb 2010). Throughout the history, of education, there are numerous cases that have marked education and now hold vast impacts on American education. One well-known case presented in 1954 was the Brown versus the Board of Education. This case was the determining factors of racial desegregation. Browns case encouraged many to striveShow MoreRelatedThe Evolving Role of Government in Education965 Words   |  4 PagesRunning head: THE EVOLVING ROLE OF GOVERMRNT IN EDUCATION The Evolving Role of Government in Education Latoya T Bond The Evolving Role of Government in Education Most school age children in the United States receive their education through the public school system. There are several components that must come together in unison in order for the US public schools to operate at maximum potential. Strong arguments can be made as to which of the components are most important. 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