Saturday, May 23, 2020

Essay on Privacy Infringements through the Internet

Today in society, people are expected to be able to protect their own privacy, but the very definition of privacy states that it is in no way completely attainable, nor will it ever be. And why would people want that when it has been proven that to achieve absolute privacy would mean to forfeit a place in society (Nehf)? But in recent years, privacy infringements through the Internet have gotten out of hand. Until privacy becomes a principal concern for Internet users, they remain unsafe, easy targets for deceitful scammers, other users, data collectors, and more. There are many problems surrounding the Internet and its current privacy systems, one of the biggest ones being the current user accountability arrangement. Currently,†¦show more content†¦For example, the First Amendment concerns the right to free speech. But where is the line drawn between free speech and cyber bullying? Many schools and organizations observe signs of Cyber bullying, but the Fourth Amendmen t banning illegal search and seizure prevents them from taking further action. Privacy infringements through the Internet are publicly viewed as the work of evil, foul criminals. But what if the person violating your privacy is your best friend? In many situations a violation of privacy is an embarrassing wall post or a mean video or tweet. This is a specifically hurtful instance because it is much more difficult to confront a friend instead of a faceless online perpetrator. Moreover, many individuals are perfectly will to violate their own privacy through revealing photos and the sharing of too much personal information, all for the sake of attention (Subrahmanyam). In 2010, there were several research studies done on Internet privacy, one of which being the amount of information that could be procured on a specific person in only 30 minutes of investigating them online (Kasper). 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