Monday, June 22, 2020

Introduction to Physiology Respiration - 1650 Words

Introduction to Physiology: Respiration (Research Paper Sample) Content: Introduction to Physiology: RespirationNameProfessorCourseDate of submissionIntroductionObjectiveTo find out, comprehend and explain different factors that control the rate and depth of respiration.Background informationThere are a lot of factors that determine the rate and depth of human respiration. Some of the factors are influenced by the conscious control part of the brain while others are not. Different organ system functions leads to unique pattern of respiration and even though respiration is controlled by the autonomous nervous system, people play a part in the control of breathing. Respiration is affected by certain chemicals which include oxygen, carbon dioxide, acid, epinephrine and acetylcholine (Marieb e.tal 2010).Whether or not oxygen concentration affects respiration remain a debating topic in the scientific realm. This is because the human body is as sensitive to blood oxygen concentration as other chemicals like carbon dioxide. The aortic bodies caus e an increase in respiration with low oxygen concentration but there is no response with a high concentration. On the other hand, the aortic bodies and other brain parts senses both low and high carbon dioxide concentration and cause and appropriate response. Breathing can be altered by speaking, singing, emotions and even pain whereby a signal is sent via the limbic system to the sympathetic center of the hypothalamus. Exercises also cause an increase in breathing since the muscles consume lots of oxygen and releases carbons oxide in excess triggering increased respiration. Generally the rate of respiration differs according to age, gender, height, weight and whether or not the person is a smoker (Scott 2004).Materials and methodsBreathing was done deeply and at a fast rate for a period of 30 seconds. The number of breaths taken each minute after hyperventilating was recorded in a table.Breathing was then done into a bag for a long time while ensuring that no air leaks occur at the bag's edges. This ensures that one breath the same air repeatedly. The number of breathes in the first minute of recovery was tabulated.Breath was held at the peak of a normal, gentle and quiet inspiration and the time taken to breath point (in seconds) was measured and tabulated. Hyperventilation followed for 30 seconds and the breaking point measurement was captured again into the table. After recovery, air from the bag was re-breath for 1 minute and the breaking point measurement taken.A beaker was half filled with water and a few drops of bromothymol blue were added. The color and pH was then noted. Wearing a pair of safety glass and using a straw, air was blown into the water for a number of complete breaths. The water color and the pH were noted again.ResultsTable 1- Class average breathing rate (b/min)Resting rate 15.924 Breathing rate after hyperventilation 14.930 Breathing rate after re-breathing 22.178 Table 2 - Class average Breaking point (sec)Resting rate 43.082 Breath ing rate after hyperventilation 62.673 Breathing rate after re-breathing 35.259 16446595250Chart 1 Class average of breathing rateThe breathing rate at rest which is the normal condition is 15.924b/min. After hyperventilation, whereby one breathes deep and fast for 30 seconds, the rate reduces slightly below the rest condition. The rate of breathing increases tremendously during the third procedure, breathing after re-breathing using a closed bag. This reaches a rate of 22.178b/min.The breaking point results show that the time taken to reach the breaking point at rest conditions is 43 seconds. This time increases by 20 seconds when it comes to the time taken to reach the breaking point after hyperventilation. The time it takes to reach breaking point during breathing after re-breathing reduces to almost half of the time after hyperventilating.The chart also shows information on breathing rate among both male and female smokers and non smokers. Comparing the male and female breathing rate in general, males have a slightly lower breathing rate at rest conditions. In addition the males have a higher breaking point than the females. An analysis of the smokers shows (both male and women) that they have a higher breathing rate at rest conditions. However, the breathing rate after hyperventilation for the female non smokers is higher than that for male smokers. For non smokers, their breathing rate after hyperventilation is almost the same. Finally, the breathing rate of the smokers is lower compared to those of the non smokers with a reduced breaking point.DiscussionThe general state of activity of the body determines the rate at which breathing occurs. Vigorous exercise more often leads to increase of breathing rate since the muscles consume oxygen and release lots of carbon dioxide which is a respiration stimulant (Wilburta e.tal 2009). Therefore, at normal rest conditions the breathing rate is reduced and the breathing is slow and quiet. This is seen from the tab le of results that at rest the rate is low at about 15b/min. The increase of CO2 in the blood stream triggers the central chemoreceptor causing an increase in rate and depth of breathing. This leads to an active removal of CO2 from the body and an increase intake of oxygen. This condition is known as hyperventilating. After hyperventilation, the rate of breathing reduces since the level of CO2 in the bloodstream is low. This is the reason why the table shows a reduced rate of breathing after hyperventilating. In addition the breaking point or the time taken till one cannot hold their breath again at the peak of inspiration is affected by the amount of CO2 in the lungs (alveoli). The breakpoint is thus inversely proportional to the CO2 in the blood stream. The lesser the amount of CO2 in the blood, the longer the breaking point. Therefore after hyperventilation the amount of CO2 in the lungs and the bloodstream will be reduced. For this reason after hyperventilation the breaking poin t is the longest with up to 62 seconds (Morrow e.tal 1986).When one breathes, they use up the oxygen in the surrounding and exhale carbon dioxide from the body. In a closed of space, the amount of oxygen will deplete faster and the amount of carbon dioxide will increase. Therefore, during breathing into a bag with no air leakages the amount of oxygen gets depleted and thus one keeps on breathing in carbon dioxide and less oxygen. This leads to an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the lungs and blood stream triggering an increased rate of breathing. This causes an increase in breathing rate as indicated in table 1. The breaking point during breathing after re-breathing is reduced to half of that after ventilation. This is because during re-breathing, the amount of CO2 in the blood stream increases greatly. This leads to a short breaking point since it is inversely proportional to the amount of carbon dioxide in the lungs.The chart shows the breathing rates of smokers and no n smokers from both genders. The breathing rate of the smokers is seen to be high than that of smokers with a lower breaking point. Smoke from cigarettes, interferes with the cilia which keeps the lungs clean. This causes clogging of the cilia with tar and narrowing of the ...

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